In 2023, there are probably more JavaScript frameworks than there are Silicon Valley start-ups. If you're new to the world of programming and trying to find a roadmap to follow, it may be tempting to skip the basics and jump into a framework. And in the interest of being completely transparent, you can technically make that work for you.
Skipping straight to a framework allows you to start building more impressive-looking projects sooner rather than later. That being said - don't do it. What you gain in instant gratification is lost in a deeper understanding of what is happening under the hood. This is not unlike what happens to self-taught developers who lack a computer science background.
It is generally advantageous to keep the number of abstractions to a pragmatic minimum. With that in mind, here are 10 JavaScript fundamentals that developers should master before learning a framework:
Variables: Variables are used to store data in JavaScript. Understanding how to declare and assign values to variables is crucial for building any JavaScript application.
Data types: JavaScript has several built-in data types, including strings, numbers, and objects. Knowing how to work with different data types is essential for manipulating data in your application.
Control flow: Control flow statements, such as if-else statements and loops, are used to control the flow of execution in your code. Understanding how to use these statements is important for building logic into your applications.
Functions: Functions are blocks of code that can be reused throughout your application. Understanding how to define and call functions is crucial for writing modular and maintainable code.
Scope: JavaScript has both global and local scope. Understanding how scope works and how to properly use variables is important for writing robust and error-free code.
Objects: Objects are a key aspect of JavaScript and are used to store and organize data. Understanding how to create and work with objects is essential for building complex applications.
Arrays: Arrays are used to store collections of data in JavaScript. Understanding how to create and manipulate arrays is important for working with data in your applications.
Event handling: JavaScript is often used for creating interactive web pages. Understanding how to handle events, such as button clicks and form submissions, is crucial for building responsive user interfaces.
Asynchronous programming: Asynchronous programming allows your application to perform multiple tasks at the same time. Understanding how to use callbacks, promises and async/await is crucial for creating responsive and efficient applications.
DOM manipulation: The Document Object Model (DOM) is a representation of an HTML document, JavaScript allows developers to manipulate the elements in a page. Understanding how to interact with the DOM and change the content and structure of a web page is crucial for building dynamic web applications.
By mastering these JavaScript fundamentals, you will be ensuring that you have laid a strong foundation from which you can adequately build moving forward. Furthermore, understanding these concepts will allow you to more easily understand how the framework works and how to leverage it to build powerful and efficient applications.
It is worth mentioning that the list is not exhaustive and there are a lot more concepts that are important to master, however these are a good starting point for a basic understanding of the language. Also important to keep in mind is that practice, experimenting, and learning by doing are key to mastering the language and being able to apply the concepts in real-world projects.